Friday, September 12, 2008

U.S. Calls Venezuelan Officials Rebel Supporters

Because of the current weather conditions in Texas, many of us tend to look past other important issues that have been brewing up, one in particular between Venezuela and the United States that is discussed in this article; written by Simon Romero. It has been said that this tension between the countries has been heating up in recent days and reached its peak when the U.S declared that Venezuela's officials supported "narco-terrorist activities in the area including the FARC ; Colombia's largest rebel group.

Then on Thursday, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez expelled the American ambassador to his country because an assassination plot had been discovered. Treasury Department believes Venezuela is aiding rebel groups with money and weapons, protecting their drug shipments through national borders and is making a shaky relationship between the leaders of both countries. This article is worth reading because it offers a small insight on what goes on with the U.S and other countries.

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